Collective Advocacy – Experiences of Personality Disorder

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Do you want to:

Have your say about the information and support you’ve received? 

Try to make changes in the way you are treated or the services provided? 

Get in touch and get involved!  This project is known as Much More Than A Label. The aim of the project is for people who have been given a diagnosis of a personality disorder, or had experiences that they feel fit with a personality disorder diagnosis, to come together, have a collective voice and create change. The group decides what it wants to do (it is experience-led) and has a CAPS staff member to enable/facilitate its decisions. 

For example, the group could: 

Collect views of people who identify with the experiences of a personality disorder diagnosis

Use people’s views and experiences to create resources and training

Explore different ways to get information about people’s experiences across   

Services Offered

  • Emotional Distress
  • Isolation and Loneliness
  • Mood Disorders 

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Last Updated: 05/03/2024
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